Shop Front Signage

Shop Front Signage

A well designed shop front sign is a great way to make your business stand out from all your competitors.  We can guide you and advice you on your options.  We specialise in design, manufacturing & installation of all types of shop front signage.

Top Tips when planning a new shop sign.

  • What to Include.

You need to decide what information your sign needs to convey to potential customers passing by your premises.  Incorporate business name but also logo, contact details, website etc.  Remember your sign is more than an announcement to the world that you exist.  If it is not clear from your business name what you do you made need to put that on your sign.

  • Be Consistent.

Use your company colour scheme on your sign to ensure it matches other strands of your branding to create a unified look across all your marketing material.

  • Budget

Signage can be expensive but you really do get what you pay for.  High quality signs are more than an announcement that your business exists, they are a sales tool and are the first point of contact for any potential new customer.

  • Prepare to be Flexible.

A good sign shop will have experienced graphic designers & fitters who will be able to take your ideas on board and work with them.  They may even be able to suggest alternatives or find ways to improve your ideas.

  • Location, Location, Location

Think about where you sign needs to be positioned for maximum visual impact.  You want your sign to occupy a prominent position so it is directly in people’s eyeline as they walk down the street.

  • Site, Shape & Scale

Once you have decided where your sign needs to go you will be able to tell your sign company how much space they will have to play with.  If the sign is too small people will either ignore it or find it difficult to read.  Too large and you risk it distracting from other elements of your shop.

Contact us today:

Our experienced team of graphic designers can advise you & answer any question you may have on shop front signage.  Phone 094-9521916 or email us [email protected]

Check out our range of pavement signs & pull up banners for more ideas on how best to showcase your products & services.

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